At the ends of the earth and more
Written by Walter on x/x/2009
Had a bit of a cold so stayed in bed only to wake up now in middle of the night caughing. Remembered a funny movie some Russian friends showed me in Hurghada. Decided to post it on my blog to give some of my Belgian friends a laugh too. It's called 'at the ends of the earth' and 'why why' is freely translated as 'allee allee'. I won't get into any social or political connections this might have in some countries and just look at it as a good slapstick cartoon from 1998 (that was resurrected on a film festival in 2005):
While digging into past short films. I have to post this one as one of my all time favorites. It's called 'More' and when I first saw this film I was a student full of ideas, inventions and dreams. Ten years later, after realizing how difficult it is to make any invention a product in todays market where large MOQ's apply. Big firms with large venture capitals are the only ones with enough power to hold a patent. There are enough obstacles in the way to scare any lonely inventor from revealing his ideas. So in short, I'm even more moved by this film today (I ended up just writing down most of my ideas for future reference).